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<◆◆戦史 目次
<◆ イラク 目次



「An Arms Watcher」◆(2011/11/22)イラク購入の輸送機近く引き渡しへ

「BBC」◆(2010/12/30)Iraq violence fall may be 'near limit'

CRS@空挺軍 in mixi,2010年02月21日06:12◆イラク軍特殊部隊
「Military Photos」:Iraqi Special Forces

D.B.E. 三二型」:“風雲!たけし城”を観たイラク人「日本人はこんなに人生を楽しんでいるのに俺たちは殺し合いばかり.いいかげんやめようぜ」/情報源Blue Twin Tails

「Defense News」◆(2012/07/25)Initial F-16 Order Placed for Iraqi Air Force




「Guardian」:Iraq war plans 'outpaced' evidence

「Guardian」◆(2010/05/28)Defence chiefs gag damning Iraq invasion findings

「Guardian」◆(2010/07/28)Sir Mike Jackson at the Iraq inquiry

「NY Times」◆(2010/12/16)Security Council Removes Restrictions on Iraq

「NY Times」◆(2010/12/20)Cleric’s Anti-U.S. Forces Poised for Gains in Iraq

「Strategy Page」◆(2013/03/27) IRAQ: Plan B From Inner Space

「VOR」◆(2012/04/24)露副首相 リビアとイラク ロシアとの軍事技術協力に関心

「VOR」◆(2012/11/11)イラク国防相 ロシアとの武器取引は停止されていない

「WP」:Britain examines its role in Iraq war

「WP」◆(2010/07/11)58,000 dogs killed in Baghdad in campaign to curb attacks by strays


「中東の窓」◆(2013/04/24) イラク情勢(23日)

「中東の窓」◆(2013/04/26) イラク情勢(25ひ)

「忘却からの帰還」◆(2009.11.7)"だうじんぐ"マシンADE651の訓練風景 in タイ


――――――774 in FAQ BBS,2010/1/28(木) 5:5

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Battle of Haifa Street (01/02)

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:baghdad vibrations (米軍,ハイファ通りでの戦闘)

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Dismal, Small-Scale UH-60 Dismounted Air Assault in Iraq

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Disperced Firefight in Haditha

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Firefight In Baqubah


「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Happenings on Haifa Street

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:IED Gets Marines

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Iraqi Army Soldiers in firefight, find weapons..

「 ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Iraqi Army undertakes first joint foot patrol in Baghdad


「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Iraqi National Police Checkpoint Outside of Sadr City

「 ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Marine AH-1W Cobra Jalibah, Iraq...0005

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:MLRS in Iraq

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:MQ-1 Predator, Tallil Air Base, Iraq...0011

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Munitions seized in Basra destroyed by British and US troops

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, Baghdad...0006

「ワレYouTube発見セリ」:Supresing the Enemy in Iraq
























(From May 2003 and April 2006, between 1,000 and 3,000 anti-Iraqif orces have)



 オサリバン John O'sullivan 曰く,「早く主権をイラクに渡してしまえ」




Last week's barbaric murders of four Americans in Fallujah, followed by the desecration of their corpses before cheering crowds of Iraqis, have left Americans asking both for explanations and for responses


In a word, the problem in Iraq is that our Iraqi enemies are not sufficiently afraid of us.
They know, of course, that the United States and its allies possess overwhelming military power sufficient to crush any resistance. But they may sense that we lack the moral self-confidence to use that power. And if that is their opinion, they can support it with three examples of American diffidence


1. (略)the prestige of U.S. troops was so high in the aftermath of their lightning victory that two or three shootings would probably have quelled almost all challenges to law and order. Law-abiding Iraqis would have been delighted to see looting suppressed; when it was largely ignored, they blamed the increased lawlessness on America. And our failure to crush ordinary crime told potential terrorists that they too might challenge us with impunity.
1. 〔略〕 電撃的勝利の余韻の中で米軍の名声があまりにも高くなったので,二,三の攻撃がおそらく法と秩序に対する挑戦の殆ど全てを押さえるだろうとされた.順法的なイラク人は,略奪が抑えられたのを見れば,大いに喜んだことだろう.それが大部分放置されたことで,彼らは増加した不法をアメリカの責任にした.また,日常の犯罪の防止に失敗したことが,潜在的テロリストに対しても,無傷でアメリカに挑戦できるかもしれないというメッセージを与えたことになった.

2. (略)the execution of high-ranking Baathist thugs would reassure Iraqis that their tormentors face just punishment and warn the terrorists that they too will end on the gallows.
2. 〔略〕 バース党高官への行為は,彼ら暴漢が正に処罰されるということを,イラク人に再保証したことだろうし,テロリストに対して,テロリストもまた絞首刑になるという警告を与えることになっただろう.

3. Until this week, when the "uprising" of extreme Shiite followers of Moqtada Sadr forced action, the United States has failed to disarm and disband private armies in Iraq.
3. 今週までに,モクタダ・サドルを支持するシーア派過激派の「暴動」が武力衝突になったことで,イラクの民兵勢力を武装解除し,縮小させることにアメリカは失敗したのである.



(1)The most straightforward solution would be a draconian crackdown on all unrest -- curfews, house-to-house searches, firing on armed rioters, mass internment, widespread use of capital punishment for terrorists, and so on
 (1) 最も直截な解決法は,あらゆる不安要素への厳格な弾圧だろう--夜間外出禁止令,武装した暴徒への発砲,戸別の探索,大勢の収監,テロリストのための死刑の広範囲の適用など.

(2)A second solution would be to establish order by bringing in massive numbers of U.S. and allied troops, imposing a regime of surveillance and supervision that is widespread and almost totalitarian but not brutal, using both human and technical intelligence to track down and remove the terrorists from society, and settling down to stay in Iraq for at least 30 years
 (2) 第2の解決策は,米軍および同盟軍を増員し,広範囲かつ,殆ど全体主義だが,しかし残忍ではない監視および監督を政権に課し,テロリストを追跡し,かつ社会かを追い出すため,人間および機械による諜報の両方を使用して,秩序を打ちたてる事だ.

(3)the third option -- which also happens to be the most practicable one in current circumstances -- handing over power to a new Iraqi government and supporting it in its suppression of terrorism.
 (3) 第3の解決策は――現況では最も実現性が高いものだが――イラク新政権に権力を渡し,同政権のテロリスト封じ込め活動を支援することである.

 James Steinberg と Michael O'Hanlonも連名で,来年末までにアメリカ軍を引き上げよと主張,3つの提案も行っている.

Set a Date to Pull Out
The danger is not that we will cut and run but that the Iraqis will insist that we get out.

Critical to achieving our goal is an announced decision to end the current military deployment by the end of next year, following the Iraqi adoption of a constitution, together with greatly intensified training for the Iraqi security forces.


How can we avoid such a disaster? First, we must make clear that our military presence in Iraq is designed to permit the Iraqis to freely choose their own future -- even if it is not fully to our liking. We should indicate not just that we will leave if asked but that we will ourselves plan to end the deployment of coalition forces following the election of an Iraqi government and the adoption of a new constitution next year. We should make clear that we (as part of a wider international coalition) would be prepared to stay beyond that time -- but only at the request of the new Iraqi government, and as part of a new, U.N.-sponsored mandate on terms that are acceptable to the new Iraqi government and to us.

Second, we must be clear about our legitimate security interests in Iraq. We have a right to insist that a new Iraqi government not threaten peace and security -- by developing weapons of mass destruction, harboring terrorists or attacking other nations. And we should certainly seek to use our influence to encourage a tolerant, pluralist society. But because this is a responsibility Iraq owes to all, not just us, we should shift the focus away from the United States as the enforcement arm of the international community to Iraq's neighbors and others that share these interests, including NATO and the United Nations. We should begin by convening a major international summit on Iraq, involving not only Western allies but also Arab leaders and Iraqis, at the time of the NATO summit next month in Istanbul. And we should invite the International Atomic Energy Agency to play a role in ensuring that a new Iraqi government does not pursue weapons programs.

Third, we should accelerate the training and equipping of new security forces for Iraq. Less than 10 percent of the necessary numbers of soldiers and police have been properly trained to date. Filling this vacuum is critical to the success of this strategy, because indigenous forces are far more likely than foreign forces to succeed in defeating the residual Baathist and foreign fighters in Iraq. If Arab countries and NATO devoted just 10 percent of their police and military training capacity to Iraqi forces, we could complete an intensified training process by next year.


James Steinberg was deputy national security adviser in the Clinton administration and is vice president and director of foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution; Michael O'Hanlon is a senior fellow there.

Washington Post, 2004/5/18)

 また,元GEのチェアマン,J. Welchは次のように提言する.

It Takes Courage
To Change a Deadline
Will Iraq be ready by June 30? If not, here's what to do.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

There is a lot of talk these days about deadlines. It started a few weeks ago with the 9/11 Commission and the battle over whether its timetable should be extended. It was, and soon thereafter the deadline dispute shifted with a bang to the June 30 transfer of power in Iraq. Now, it seems, the question of whether "good" leaders change deadlines is a matter of national debate.

The simple answer to that question is yes. Good leaders change deadlines--not all the time, but certainly when it's in the best interest of their people and it supports the overall objective of their organizations. Changing a deadline is not a sign of ineptitude or weakness. It can be, and often is, a sign of insight and strength.

Make no mistake: I am talking about the private sector, where a forced deadline is rarely, if ever, a cause of life or death, as it might be in Iraq. In general, deadlines are great for business, whether they come in the form of ambitious delivery dates for semiconductors or tough due dates for jet engines. They galvanize companies around a common goal. They energize people and instill focus. They create speed, a real competitive advantage in this tough global market. On top of that, deadlines offer companies a terrific opportunity to assess their people. Nothing shows a manager's creativity, intelligence or team-building and leadership skills better than a complex project with a daunting deadline.
But--and this is a big but--deadlines are sometimes unattainable. For example, a technology can't be developed fast enough, a competitor introduces a new product that changes the game, or the team just doesn't get the job done. In these cases, and dozens of others like them, deadlines don't make sense--they get in the way of winning, not the other way around.

So what are leaders to do?

First and foremost they must face the problem. There is no room in an organization for those "eternal optimists" who never confront reality and keep hoping quietly that the team will make an impossible deadline. Good leaders are steely-eyed; they see that a deadline will have to be missed and address that, the sooner the better.

And when they do, their voices are loud and clear and constant, explaining at every opportunity why the deadline changed. The story must be told to every constituency--employees, customers and, when necessary, communities and shareholders--with no whitewashing or sugarcoating.

Third, good leaders get everyone on board for a new deadline, again using the utmost candor and exhaustive communication. Usually, the new deadline is more conservative than the first, since no one wants to blow a deadline twice. That's OK, as long as the revised date has honest and intelligent analysis behind it.

Clearly, this approach does involve openly and repeatedly admitting "defeat" on some level. But it also involves guts, insight and facing into the hard work of change. And that's why leaders who miss deadlines and then quickly reassess, adjust and communicate with total candor discover that their people and their customers at the end of the day respect them more, not less.

Changing a deadline in politics is a different and far more complicated story. In the corporate world, inside a company, most people are pulling for the same outcome. You set a deadline, and everyone heads for it. In politics, when you set a deadline, you can be pretty sure that close to half the people are pulling in the other direction. In fact, missing it often furthers their cause. So political deadlines are by definition very charged events. When politicians put one out there they are, in a sense, painting a target on their foreheads.

Add to that the sheer number of constituencies involved in any political deadline-setting. A business leader may have to answer to customers and employees, but an elected leader has voters of every stripe and persuasion, a myriad of media outlets, lobbyists and special interest groups, the political establishment and political "colleagues" who qualify as allies and enemies. You simply cannot make them all happy at the same time, let alone energize them toward a shared goal. No wonder most deadlines in politics are compromises--certainly that would include the June 30 transfer date.

Last but not least, deadlines in the political world can have consequences of fear-inspiring magnitude that businesspeople can only imagine. It is one thing to miss the deadline on a new plastic. The worst thing that could happen would be loss of market share--definitely not desirable, but not the end of the world. It is quite another thing to miss a deadline that could lead to increased bombing and bloodshed--indeed, the literal end of the world for any number of soldiers and civilians.

Despite these differences in context, some of the same principles about deadlines do hold from business to politics. In both worlds, good leaders face into deadlines that appear problematic. They reassess them thoroughly. And should a deadline need to be moved out, they communicate again and again about the need for that change. Likewise, both business and political leaders should get everyone on board with a revised deadline--admittedly, this is harder for the latter--and use it as a beacon to guide people toward the future.

Have no doubt: I am not saying here that President Bush should change the June 30 transfer of power date in Iraq. I just don't have enough facts to make that case. But I do see that the original deadline in Iraq was set in a different environment, before we knew the situation and its people as well as we do now. It appears that despite all the progress in Iraq, stability there appears elusive--elusive enough that a reassessment makes sense. And perhaps a deadline change will too.
If it does, I hope people remember that changing a deadline is not a sign of weakness. It is not even a sign that a mistake was made in the first place. The world changes. Good leaders have the courage to do the same.

Mr. Welch is former chairman and CEO of General Electric.



>The Bush administration's strategies in Iraq are failing for many reasons. First, they are being made up as the administration goes along, without benefit of planning, adequate knowledge of the country, or the experience of comparable situations. Second, the administration has been unwilling to sustain a commitment to a particular strategy. But third, the strategies are all based on an idea of an Iraq that does not exist.


>In my view, Iraq is not salvageable as a unitary state. From my experience in the Balkans, I feel strongly that it is impossible to preserve the unity of a democratic state where people in a geographically defined region almost unanimously do not want to be part of that state. I have never met an Iraqi Kurd who preferred membership in Iraq if independence were a realistic possibility.

But the problem of Iraq is that a breakup of the country is not a realistic possibility for the present.


>the US would badly need the help of the UN and other international organizations and, if it can get it, of the principal European nations as well. The alternative is an indefinite US occupation of Iraq in which we have fewer and fewer allies. It is an occupation that the US cannot afford. It also prevents the US from addressing more serious threats to its national security.


>the most urgent reason to want United Nations participation is to share the burden. Internationalization is a key element of John Kerry's program for Iraq. Unfortunately, it is a far from easy policy to achieve. While a less confrontational US administration would certainly be able to win greater international support and contributions, it will be a challenge to persuade the major European countries to have either the United Nations or NATO take over the major responsibilities in Iraq.

The reason is cost. Taking all expenses into account, one year of involvement in Iraq costs between $50 billion and $100 billion. Under the mandatory assessment scale for the United Nations this would cost France and Germany some $5 billion to $10 billion each, and they would face pressure to put their own troops in harm's way. NATO assessments are similarly costly. While our allies may wish a Kerry administration well, they may not be willing to commit resources on this scale to help the United States get out of Iraq. As a European diplomat told me before last year's war, "It will be china shop rules in Iraq: you break it, you pay for it."

I believe United States policy is most successful when it follows international law and works within the United Nations, according to the provisions of the Charter. This is not just a matter of upholding the ideals of the UN; it is also practical. As our war in Iraq demonstrates, we cannot afford any other course.



 〔イラクへ派遣された復興支援部隊の中で〕唯一評判が良かったのは韓国.実際,市民に対して医療活動をしていた.救急車で街中を走り回ったり,薬を配ったりしていた(渡部陽一 from "SAPIO" Feb. 25, '04)



 (1) 薬を配った韓国軍が評判が良かったという報道は,寡聞にして聞いたことがない.








 (2) '03年11月13日には,韓国軍は基地の外の活動を停止しており,その後,活動再開したかどうかは寡聞にして聞かない.

【NHK】韓国軍 イラク基地外活動禁止

 (3)  この朝鮮日報の記事以外に,韓国軍が歓迎されているという報道を寡聞にして見たことがないが,





(自衛隊総合ニュース・スレッド in 極東板)

 (4) 渡部は「人間の盾」と行動を共にしたという点で,取材姿勢に疑問符がつく.






The Left's Iraq Muddle
Yes, it is central to the fight against Islamic radicalism.

BY BOB KERREY Tuesday, May 22, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT



Concessions will not work with either al Qaeda or other foreign fighters who will not rest until they have killed or driven into exile the last remaining Iraqi who favors democracy.














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